Gel vs Acrylic – which is best for you?

Hi guys.  Welcome to Linda’s Nails and Beauty Blog. A lot of you have been asking me the difference between gel and acrylic nails.  I have worked extensively with both types and hope that the points below help you understand the pros and cons of each.  Just to note, the information provided below has been… Continue reading Gel vs Acrylic – which is best for you?

A little bit about Linda from Linda’s Nails, Beauty & Foot Health Clinic

Hi everybody, I’m happy to announce the opening of my business, Linda’s Nails, Beauty & Foot Health Clinic, above Flynn’s Bakery, Bridge Street, Tullamore on Monday 1st February 2016.  Here, I will be offering a wide range of nails, beauty and foot health treatments.  So, here’s a little about me. I’m qualified as a beauty… Continue reading A little bit about Linda from Linda’s Nails, Beauty & Foot Health Clinic

A home remedy to combat winter dry skin

The winter is here and the heating is on.  Being exposed central heating, then going out into colder temperatures can be quite demanding and drying on the skin. Chapped lips and dry skin becomes daily occurrence.  When its very cold, there is less moisture in the environment and this, compounded by wind, blows the moisture… Continue reading A home remedy to combat winter dry skin

The benefits of microdermabrasion on skin prone to breakouts

What is acne? Acne is where the  sebaceous gland is enlarged and there is increased oil production. This oil is dispersed on the surface of the skin and combines itself  with dead skin cells  and bacteria.  In a normal functioning pore, this material is naturally expelled on a regular basis.  With blemish prone skin, this… Continue reading The benefits of microdermabrasion on skin prone to breakouts